TEE (Trusted Execution Environment) and its supporting technologies

TEE is a new CPU’s security feature that offers another execution environment isolated from OS. TEE which is a security protected area is named as secure world, and the conventional OS runs in REE (Rich Execution Environment) named as normal world. The most popular TEEs are Intel SGX and Arm TrustZone.

TEE has been used on smartphones mainly for key management and DRM, and the targets are expanded for hiding code/data for AI and privacy processing. TEE offers an isolated execution environment only and not designed to authenticate credentials before the processing code/data. In order to solve this problem, many CPUs offer Root of Trust and Remote Attestation to verify the authenticity of the device and application binary. In addition, TEE requires a management mechanism for application installation and deletion.
We collaborate with TRASIO (Technology Research Association of Secure IoT Edge application based on RISC-V Open architecture) and have developed TEE and its supporting technologies on RISC-V. The results are contributed to IETF TEEP (Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning) WG and RISC-V TEE.

Paper List

  • Kuniyasu Suzaki, Kenta Nakajima, Tsukasa Oi, and Akira Tsukamoto, TS-Perf: General Performance Measurement of Trusted Execution Environment and Rich Execution Environment on Intel SGX, Arm TrustZone, and RISC-V Keystone, IEEE Access 9 133520-133530 Sep/2021
  • Ronaldo Serrano, Ckristian Duran, Trong-Thuc Hoang, Marco Sarmiento, Khai-Duy Nguyen, Akira Tsukamoto, Kuniyasu Suzaki, and Cong-Kha Pham, A Fully Digital True Random Number Generator With Entropy Source Based in Frequency Collapse, IEEE Access 9 105748 -105755 July/2021
  • Kuniyasu Suzaki, Akira Tsukamoto, Andy Green, and Mohammad Mannan, Reboot-Oriented IoT: Life Cycle Management in Trusted Execution Environment for Disposable IoT devices, Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), Dec/2020
  • Kuniyasu Suzaki, Kenta Nakajima, Akira Tsukamoto, and Tsukasa Oi, Library Implementation and Performance Analysis of GlobalPlatform TEE Internal API for Intel SGX and RISC-V Keystone, The 19th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom) Dec/2020
  • Trong-Thuc Hoang, Ckristian Duran, Duc-Thinh Nguyen-Hoang, Duc-Hung Le, Akira Tsukamoto, Kuniyasu Suzaki, and Cong-Kha Pham, Quick Boot of Trusted Execution Environment With Hardware Accelerators, IEEE Access 8 74015 - 74023 April/2020