Cyber Physical Security Research Center

Toshio Tokita
Principal Research Manager


1987 : B.E., Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University.
1989 : M.E., Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University.
1989 : Joined Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.
2003 : Ph.D. (Engineering) Yokohama National University.
2016 : Seconded to Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (IPA).
2019 : Seconded to National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST).

Principal Research Manager, AIST (2019~). Research interests: evaluation and design of common key encryption algorithms.


  • T.Toita, M.Matsui, Linear Cryptanalysis of Block Cipher Xenon, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E86-A, No.1, pp.13-18, Jan. 2003
  • K.Aoki, T.Ichikawa, M.Kanda, M.Matsui, S.Moriai, J.Nakajima, T.Tokita, The 128-Bit Block Cipher Camellia, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E85-A, No.1, Jan. 2002.
  • T.Tokita, T.Matsumoto, On Applicability of Differential Cryptanalysis, Linear Cryptanalysis and Mod n Cryptoanalysis to an Encryption Algorithm M8 (ISO9970-20), IPSJ Journal, Vol.42 No.8, PP.2098-2105, Aug. 2001.
  • M.Matsui, T.Toita, Cryptanalysis of Reduced Version of the Block Cipher E2, Fast Software Encryption, 6th International Workshop, FSE99, March 1999, Lectrure Nots in Computer Science, 1636, pp.71-80, Springer, 1999.
  • T.Toita, T.Sorimachi, M.Matsui, On applicability of Linear Cryptanalysis to DES-like Cryptosystems -LOKI89, LOKI91 and s^2DES- , IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communication and Computer Sciences, Vol.E78-A, No.9, Sep. 1995.


  • Japan Techno – Economics Society (JATES), 6th Technology Management / Innovation Award, JATES Chairman's Award, 2018 : “Contribution of a safe and secure society through cryptographic technology”
  • The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Milestone (100th Anniversary of the Society), 2017 : “Invention of encryption technology for digital information / Development of International Standard Cipher for 3rd generation mobile communication W-CDMA”
  • Japan Invention of Invention and Innovation, 100 Postwar Japanese Innovations (110th Anniversary Project), 2016 : “Digital information encryption technology for mobile phones, etc.”
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology – Japan, 2014    Commendation by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Science and Technology Award (Development), 2014
  • Information Processing Society of Japan, 2005 Achievement Award, 2005
  • Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation, 2004 National Invention Award, Imperial (恩賜)Invention Award, 2004 : “Invention of encryption technology for digital information”
  • Ichimura Foundation for New Technology, 35th Ichimura Industry Award, Main Award, 2002
  • Information Processing Society of Japan, 2002 Achievement Award, 2002
  • The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 40th Achievement Award, 2002