Research Goal of CPSEC
Our research goal is to promote research on security enhancement technologies, evaluation technologies, and security assurance schemes to realize security in a society where cyber/physical space is highly integrated (cyber-physical security), and to contribute to economic development and the realization of solutions to social issues.
What CPSEC Aims to Achieve
CPSEC researches and develop technologies that provide theoretically backed solutions to the security issues that society is currently facing. In addition, CPSEC researches and develops technologies to solve the issues that will emerge in the near future by anticipating them. By disseminating information on our research results and findings, we aim to demonstrate the potential we have and to gain the trust of experts and society. To achieve these goals, we will find solutions by exploring promising approaches from various perspectives.
- Focus on the cyber and physical systems (CPS) respectively, and both, and their interaction parts. (Fig. 2)
- From the nanoscale to chips, boards, embedded systems, automobiles, critical infrastructure, and smart cities: a solid buildup from physical basis to applied systems
- Consider security for more complex systems for which a solution has not yet been established
- Explore solutions by going into theoretical and physical principles
- Consider proactive measures as well as reactive measures
- Take on the challenge of quantifying and visualizing security
- Consolidate hardware/software security researchers and researchers engaged in security standardization
- Promote the establishment of a center of excellence by actively inviting external personnel (from companies, universities, and public institutions) and providing the state-of-the-art research environment.
Administrative Staffs and Other Members
Tsutomu Matsumoto
He is the professor at Graduate School of Environment and Information Science, Yokohama National University. From Nov. 2018, he is the director of CPSEC. His research interests include cryptography and information security. Doctor of Engineering.
Shinichi Kawamura
Deputy Director
1985 Completed the master's program at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo. Doctor of Engineering from the University of Tokyo (1996). Currently, Deputy Director of Cyber Physical Security Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and Leader of Hardware Security Research Team. Specializes in cryptographic implementation and hardware security.
Hajime Watanabe
Deputy Director
After He worked at Nara Institute of Science and Technology, he joined ElectroTechnical Laboratory (ETL) in Oct. 1999 (reorganized to AIST in 2001). He is a deputy director of CPSEC from Nov. 2018. His research interests include cryptography and information security. Ph.D. (Engineering).
Shoko Mori
Deputy Director
Goichiro Hanaoka
Prime Senior Researcher
Goichiro Hanaoka obtained a Ph.D. degree from the University of Tokyo in 2002, and is currently a Prime Senior Researcher, CPSEC, AIST. He specializes in theoretical and applied cryptography.
Kazukuni Kobara
Principal Research Manager
1994/3: M.E., Division of Computer Science and System Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Yamaguchi University 2003/6: Ph.D. degree in Engineering from The University of Tokyo 2017/11: Principal Research Manager, AIST Research interests: Industrial Cyber-Physical Security, Security Risk Assessment etc.
Toshio Tokita
Principal Research Manager
M.E., Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University in 1989. Joined Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in1989. Ph.D. (Engineering) Yokohama National University (2003). Seconded to National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in 2019. Principal Research Manager, AIST (2019~). Research interests: evaluation and design of common key encryption algorithms.
Tsuyoshi Toyama
Invited Researcher
Camille Gay
Invited Researcher
Asahiko Yamada
Invited Researcher
Takao Murakami
Invited Researcher